Cheetah sitting bronze sculpture
Cheetah sitting bronze sculpture
Height = 36cm / 14in
Why choose Marula Decor Bronzes ?
Marula Decor offers a wide range of bronze sculptures, which have been carefully selected for the discerning buyer. The artist has used the “lost wax” technique in casting, which is the preferred method, as it brings out every little detail of the original sculpture.
Marula Decor’s bronze sculptures have added features that put it above the rest, such as treating it with an industrial-grade protective coating, that protects and enhances the shine, felt pads under the feet to prevent scratching surfaces, etc. Marula Decor takes great care in making sure our sculptures are of the finest quality, to ensure many years of enjoyment !
Safely delivered with FedEx worldwide
SKU: BR23014
SKU: BR23014
Category: Bronze Selection
Tags: african animal, African animal sculptures, African animal souvenirs, african animals, african art, african bronzes, african crafts, african decor, African Decor designs, African decor South Africa, african gifts, african interiors, african ornament, african wildlife, Afrikanische Designs, afrikanisches dekor, Afrikanisches Tier, Afrique, Animal africain, argent, Bronze African statues, bronze animals, Bronze cheetah, bronze decor, bronze interiors, bronze sculpture, bronze sculptures, Cadeau, cheetah sculpture, decor africain, Dessins africains, Faune, Geschenk, interior decor, interiors, Skulptur, Standbild, Tier, Tierwelt
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